Memory Loss in Seniors: What to do to not to forget

Everyone forgets things from time to time. Who’s not guilty of that? 

There may be times when you forget where you put your car keys, or when you have difficulty remembering the names of people who greet you. This is not an uncommon occurrence for those who experience aging. 

Memory problems, as well as a slight decline in other thinking abilities, are a fairly common part of aging. There is, however, a distinction between normal memory changes and memory loss associated with Alzheimer’s disease and related disorders.

How does memory loss impact a senior’s quality of life?

You are not alone. According to the World Health Organization, an estimated 55 million people worldwide are living with memory loss, with the number expected to triple by 2050 – majority of which are seniors.

Unfortunately, memory loss can have a significant impact on a senior’s quality of life. You can miss out on important events, conversations, and even people which can lead to confusion, frustration, and social isolation. It can also cause difficulties in managing daily activities, such as taking medications, preparing meals, and managing finances.

What are some common causes of memory loss in seniors?

Of course, we don’t want this to happen. But while it is inevitable for some, we can change and be mindful of the signs. 

Memory and other thinking problems can be caused by a variety of factors, including stress, depression, infection, or medication side effects. The problem can sometimes be treated, and cognition improves. Other times, the issue is a brain disorder that cannot be reversed, such as Alzheimer’s disease.

Signs of memory loss to watch out for

It’s also important that you acknowledge the signs of memory loss. It’s not just about forgetting your friend’s birthday, or forgetting if you have already turned off the TV. 

Common signs of memory loss in seniors include confusion, difficulty concentrating, and difficulty finding the right words, along with the following:

  • Repeatedly asking the same questions
  • Getting lost in familiar surroundings
  • Having difficulty following simple recipes or instructions
  • Becoming more disoriented about time, people, and places.
  • Not taking care of oneself—eating poorly, failing to bathe, or acting dangerously

How can memory loss be prevented?

If this is happening to you, you don’t have to panic. While there are multiple signs and symptoms for memory loss, there are also a lot of ways that you can do to prevent it from happening from you:

  1. Quit smoking. Quitting from smoking may help you keep your brain healthy and lower your risk of heart disease, cancer, lung disease, and other smoking-related illnesses.
  1. Manage your blood pressure. Tens of millions of adults have high blood pressure, and many of these cases are uncontrolled. Always monitor your blood pressure as this is also a crucial indication of your brain health.
  1. Exercise. Physical activity has been shown in studies to improve thinking, reduce the risk of depression and anxiety, and help you sleep better. Just a few stretches and simple exercises are enough to contribute to better memory.
  1. Watch what you eat. Short-term dietary changes aren’t enough to maintain a healthy weight. It is instead a way of life that includes healthy eating. Avoid eating junk food, alcohol, sugary foods, and excessive fats. Stick with vegetables, fruits, fish and meat for a healthier diet.
  1. Sleep. Get enough rest. A third of adults say they sleep less than the recommended amount of time. Limit your screen time and go to bed earlier.
  1. Stay engaged. There are many ways for older adults to get involved, especially in their community. Engaging in activities that challenge your brain, such as puzzles, games, and reading, can help keep your memory sharp.

What are some effective treatments for memory loss?

Fortunately, there are a variety of treatments available to help improve memory and reduce the effects of memory loss. One of the most effective treatments for memory loss is cognitive stimulation therapy (CST).

Nutritional supplements can also help prevent memory loss caused by nutritional deficiencies. In some cases, therapy can help people remember how to do things like walk or tie their shoes. 

Moreover, treatments may also be tailored to specific conditions associated such as drugs to treat Alzheimer’s disease, drugs to lower blood pressure, and drugs to reduce brain damage from dementia. 

If you, a family member, or a friend is having trouble remembering recent events or thinking clearly, don’t be afraid to seek medical attention. They may advise a thorough examination to determine what is causing your memory loss symptoms. Your doctor can conduct tests and assessments, such as a brain scan. You may also be referred to a neurologist, a specialist in brain and nervous system disorders.

Have a Brightlife, and conquer the fear of forgetting!

Memory loss can be prevented in a variety of ways. The most important step is to maintain a healthy lifestyle, and you can do this by eating a balanced diet, exercising regularly, and getting enough sleep can help keep your brain healthy. In addition, it is important to keep your mind active by learning a new skill, language or hobby. 

Take care of your memory, and take care of your overall health – this, you shouldn’t forget.

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