“I’m too old for the job.”
A six-word sentence that could actually shatter dreams to pieces.
While new gen companies prefer hiring younger people due to their energy, fresh ideas and aggressiveness, there are also firms out there who want more experienced and authoritative members for their team.
And age discrimination is the least that we want to encounter in the workplace. It could negatively affect our relationships with our co-workers, our output, and worse, our confidence and self-esteem.
So when selecting a new job, one great way before you head over is to do a thorough check on the company you would plan to work for.
Here are 6 methods for locating companies that value employees near and over their 50s:
1. Visit their website.
If a picture is worth a thousand words, a company website may communicate chapters, and a more detailed story about a company and its leadership. Check the website to see if the photos depict a diverse range of employees, including older ones, and how many of the staff and leadership shots feature older employees. Diversity seals the deal.
2. Check their social media platforms and presence.
Aside from the website, the company’s social media presence may reveal information about its environment. You may find out if they value older people by looking at their Facebook and LinkedIn pages, as well as employee profiles. If this seems unusual, keep in mind that your social media pages are most likely being checked by the human resources department. Stalker alert!
3. Observe their room spaces.
Whether you get interviewed virtually or in person, the process will allow you to have a glimpse, and probably meet a wide range of people at the organisation. How do you see age representation in the interview process? Also, how are those people reacting to you as you tell them about your background and what you believe you can add to the company? If the organisation doesn’t appear to have many employees your age, then that can be the red flag.
4. Examine recruitment efforts.
Many businesses are cautious about how they display themselves online, including job postings. Look for the language in job adverts that highlights diversity as well as references to benefits. Does the business say that it does not discriminate against people of a certain age? Is there any other phrase that expresses how important inclusion is?
If you’re working with a recruiter, that person can also give you insight about the company’s culture and whether the organization values older workers.
5. Take notes from your network.
Use your network. Plan an informative interview with people you know who have worked at the company or are otherwise familiar with its people and culture to learn more about what it’s like to work there. A colleague or acquaintance may be able to tell you how accommodating the company is to older employees, as well as other advice on how to break in.
6. Go for Google, Glassdoor, and other resources.
A little detective work can also yield extra information. Searching for information about the company and any history of age discrimination using Google or other search engines gives you the first-level information about the potential that a company has been a bad-faith act.
Type the name of the company with ‘ageism’or ‘age discrimination’ or check out company-review sites like Glassdoor to help you spot patterns related to age or other types of bias.
Checking out a company before changing jobs might save you time and money in the long run. While you may not be able to anticipate every red flag, following these methods will help you gain a better idea of how accommodating the culture is to older employees.